Sunday, December 28, 2014

Gamecube Adapter Coming Back?!

Recently, every now and again, I've been checking the GameStop app (an app I reccomend for anyone who is a frequent buyer at GameStop) just to check one thing. To see if the Wii U GameCube Adapter is back in stock. Typically, all I get is a completely out of stock adapter in the search results. Today, to my surprise, this is what I see:
Now I'll be the first to admit, I freaked out, having been unable to get the SSB Bundle or the Adapter. After calming down a bit, I take a look at the two new search results (top two).

So it seems that a new Super Smash Bros bundle and a 4 GC controller bundle are available for pre-order and will be released for 2015 priced at $109.97 and $139.95 (respectively). Keep in mind, Nintendo hasn't released any info on the matter, so the information may not be final.

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